What are the best treatment for kidney stones? Get to know more!

If a kidney stone is suspected in you by top kidney specialist in Agra , you could undergo diagnostic treatments like: Blood tests suggest that you have an excess of uric acid or calcium. The results of a blood test allow your doctor to look for additional medical issues while also monitoring the condition of your kidneys. Testing urine for kidney stone specialist doctor in Agra Your excretion of too many stone-forming minerals or insufficient amounts of stone-preventing chemicals may be revealed by the 24-hour urine collecting test. Your doctor might ask you to perform urine collections over two consecutive days in preparation for this test. Imaging. Your urinary tract may appear to have kidney stones on imaging testing. Computerized tomography (CT) with high-speed or dual energy may be able to detect even microscopic stones. Simple abdomen X-rays are less commonly utilized since they have a higher chance of missing tiny kidney stones. Another imaging technique fo...